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Choosing a Korea Translation Company

When hiring a Korea translation company, there are a few factors that you should consider. These factors will help you make an informed decision about who will provide the best translation service for your project. Read on to discover the top factors to consider before choosing a service. These factors should be discussed in advance to avoid any surprises later. Also, make sure that the translation service you choose will consider cultural factors and dialects. Lastly, it is important to ensure that the translated document follows the same carbon copy style as the original document.

Korean translation agency founded by Liz Elting and Phil


On January 17, 2018, the court battle over the sale of TransPerfect entered a new phase. Liz Elting, a co-founder of the company, filed a petition asking the Delaware Chancery Court to reject the deal. Elting had received a sweetened offer from private equity firm H.I.G. Capital for her common stock in TransPerfect. A company owned by Phil Shawe will acquire Elting’s shares, paying her nearly USD 300 million in after-tax proceeds and 70 million in distributions.

The company has been in business for 13 years and has expanded rapidly. The organization has won numerous awards and is constantly forging new relationships. Its values are centered on working with consideration and value for the clients. With a strong reputation in the industry, you can rest assured of high-quality translations and exceptional customer service. Its services are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Its staff consists of over 550 professionals and is certified in over 20 languages.

Top factors to consider when hiring a Korean translation agency

There are several factors that you should look for when choosing a Korean translation agency. For one, you should consider how fast the company turns around documents. It is important to note that speed can sometimes lead to poor quality or reduced accuracy. However, you should remember that speed does not always mean less quality, and you should also consider the customer service of a translation agency. If the company offers poor customer service, you should look elsewhere.

When choosing a translation service, make sure that they are experienced in translating documents into Korean. You should also look at how much they charge. Korean translation services will vary greatly, so make sure to request multiple quotes from each company. In addition to price, you should consider the nuances that go into Korean translation. Experienced translation companies will also offer a more accurate translation service, so make sure you choose a reliable company with experience in this area.

JR Language Translation

Whether you are looking for a Korean-English translation for an important document or an English-Korean document for your company, you can rely on JR Language Translation, Korea’s leading translation service, to meet your needs. This company offers translation services in more than 100 languages, including business, technical, legal, medical, and website translation. In addition, we offer conference and phone interpretation. We also offer the same services as other translation companies, including medical and legal translations.

Aside from a variety of language pairs, JR Language Translation is also experienced with website translation, certified translation, localization, desktop publishing, and interpretation. They are able to work with multinational workforces and offices from around the world to translate marketing materials. In addition to translating documents, JR Language also provides interpreting services for phone calls and meetings, ensuring that all parties involved are understood. We adhere to strict government privacy regulations, and we use native-speaking translators to ensure confidentiality.


When choosing a Korea translation company, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, be sure to discuss any specific requirements you have with the company. For example, if your document is lengthy and requires multiple languages, you may want to consider a company that offers volume discounts. Another factor to consider is whether the company has a quality control department and a proofreader. Choosing a speedy translation service can lead to poor quality. Secondly, you should make sure that the Korean translation company has a quality management system.

Your translation service provider should have a dedicated team of specialists. The team should be familiar with the medical terminology and strict regulatory requirements. They should also be attentive to the needs of your organization and its objectives. After all, you are paying for a highquality translation, so a quality team can deliver high-quality work. The final price should be competitive, too. You can also choose a company that specializes in medical translation. This way, you’ll get the best results from your translations.